Category Archives: Biblical Studies

Free Resources On Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism

Free Resources On Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism

Well known scholar Dr. Lawrence Schiffman has made two brief works on early Judaism available for free on his website. I have not read these particular essays (yet), but I have read some of his published material and have listened to entire semesters worth of Schiffman’s lectures on topics such as Second Temple Judaism, the Hebrew Bible, and the Dead Sea Scrolls. I highly encourage anyone who is interested in early Judaism or the contextual background of the New Testament to take advantage of this opportunity to download these resources. Continue reading

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Tensions In the Bible: The Importance of Scripture’s Individual Voices

Tensions In the Bible: The Importance of Scripture’s Individual Voices

Chris Tilling has posted the following quote from Ernst Kasemann:

‘Every simplification which forces the original variety of voices [of the biblical texts] into a well trodden path, is sin against the Spirit’!

—(from his essay “Justification and salvation-history in Romans”
Kasemann in Pauline Perspectives – Tilling’s translation from the German original, p. 118)

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