Category Archives: Hebrew Classes

Biblical Hebrew Resources: Hebrew Bibles

Biblical Hebrew Resources: Hebrew Bibles

Some of you have asked about resources for learning, studying, and reading Biblical Hebrew. I’m sorry that it has taken so long to respond. In the next series of posts, I will list some beginning texts that I think are both essential and helpful. Please note: these are the hard-copy versions of these works. Many of them you can also purchase using Bible study software like Accordance or Logos, and sometimes the larger works cost less in these digital formats than in hard copies. While I introduce them here, I will discuss biblical studies software more fully in later posts.

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Online Hebrew Videos

Online Hebrew Videos

Here is a complete collection of the first five videos for our online series.  These videos cover the 22 consonants in the Hebrew alef-bet (alphabet).  I thought it might be helpful to have them in one link rather than spread over five.

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