Online Hebrew Videos

Online Hebrew Videos

Here is a complete collection of the first five videos for our online series.  These videos cover the 22 consonants in the Hebrew alef-bet (alphabet).  I thought it might be helpful to have them in one link rather than spread over five.

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Biblical Hebrew Classes

Biblical Hebrew Classes

I’m excited for the upcoming online classes on biblical hebrew.  If you are interested, there are three class opportunities each week: Mondays 9pm-10pm, Thursdays 6am-7am, Fridays 12pm-1pm.  There are a couple of spaces left in each of the Monday and Thursday sessions, and only one in the Friday sessions.  Drop me a line if you would like to be included or would like more info.

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The Good Samaritan in Palestine 1920s

The Good Samaritan in Palestine 1920s

This is a film made in the 1920s in Palestine. It’s notable at the Samaritan is actually played by Yitzhaq ben ‘Amram, who was the High Priest of the Samaritans from 1916–1932.  According to Samaritan records, he was the the one hundred twenty first High Priest from the time of Eli the High Priest at Shiloh (the priest of preceded the prophet Samuel).

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